The original Netflix series “Jinn” is an exciting fantasy drama that takes place in Jordan and has captivated audiences in the MENA region since its release. With a fascinating story, interesting characters, and stunning visual aesthetics, “Jinn” is a series that is definitely worth watching.
The story follows a group of teenagers on an excursion to the archaeological ruins of Petra, where they discover an ancient object that releases a Jinn, a supernatural being from local mythology that has been imprisoned for centuries.
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The teenagers then become embroiled in an ancient conflict between good and evil, with high stakes for their lives and future. The series features a talented cast, bringing depth and authenticity to the story.
The characters are complex and well-developed, with personal stories that add to the main plot.
The series also tackles important themes such as religion, culture, and identity, which are relevant to many viewers in the region. The beautiful landscapes are also showcased in the series, adding to its visual charm. “Jinn” is a series that will appeal to a wide audience, whether you’re a fan of fantasy or simply interested in local stories and culture.
The episodes are available on Netflix with subtitles in multiple languages, making it an accessible entertainment option for many viewers. If you’re looking for a series that will captivate and keep you on the edge of your seat, “Jinn” is a solid choice.
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