Paranormal, Netflix’s first original Arabic series, is an exciting supernatural thriller that follows the adventures of Refaat Ismail, a cynical doctor who has been haunted by paranormal phenomena since childhood. Based on the bestselling series of novels by Egyptian author Ahmed Khaled Tawfik, the series is set in 1960s Egypt and is a captivating dive into horror and the supernatural.
The series follows Refaat as he investigates the strange events happening around him, uncovering dark secrets and supernatural forces that threaten his life. With his rational mind and distrust of the occult, Refaat is a complex and intriguing character that adds a fascinating depth to the series.
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With beautifully recreated 1960s sets and costumes, the series offers a nostalgic journey through Egyptian history and culture. The actors, led by Ahmed Amin in the lead role of Refaat, deliver incredible performances that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the series.
“Paranormal” is a series that will make you jump, keep you on edge, and make you think long after you’ve finished watching. With its captivating plot and memorable characters, it’s a series that horror and paranormal fans won’t want to miss.
Don’t miss “Paranormal,” now available on Netflix MENA.